Radioactive use
A. As a Tracer
1. Field of Medicine
Used as a tracer to detect various types of diseases, among others:
A. 24Na, detects circulatory disruption.
B. 59Fe, measuring the rate of red blood cell formation.
C. 11C, knowing metabolism in general.
D. 131I, detects damage to the thyroid gland.
E. 32P, detecting eye disease, liver, and presence of tumors.

2. Field of Industry
Used to improve the quality of production, as in:
A. Food industry, gamma rays to preserve food, killing microorganisms that cause decay in vegetables and fruits.
B. The metallurgical industry, used to detect air cavities in cast iron, detects plumbing connections, cracks on aircraft, and others.
C. Paper industry, measuring paper thickness.
D. The automotive industry, studying the effects of oil and additives on the machine as long as the machine works.
3. Hydrology Field
A. 24Na and 131I, are used to determine the speed of river water flow.
B. Investigate leakage of underground water pipe.
C. 14C and 13C, determine the age and origin of ground water.

4. Chemistry
Used for analysis of chemical reaction mechanism, such as:
A. With the help of the oxygen-18 isotope as tracer atom, it can be determined the origin of the water molecule formed.
B. Analysis of neutron activation.
C. The source of radiation and as a catalyst in a chemical reaction.
D. Creation of new elements.

5. Field of Biology
A. Changing the nature of genes by providing radiation rays to specific genes.
B. Determine the speed of compound formation in the process of photosynthesis using radioisotope C-14.
C. Examining the movement of water inside the plant stems.
D. Knowing ATP as energy storage in the body using radioisotope 38F.

6. Agriculture Sector
A. 37P and 14C, knowing the right place of fertilization.
B. 32P, studying the direction and ability of insect pests.
C. Mutation of genes or plant breeding.
D. 14C and 18O, knowing the metabolism and photosynthesis process.

7. Field of Animal Husbandry
A. Examine the efficiency of feed utilization for livestock production.
B. Reveals basic chemistry and biological information as well as antikualitas on animal feed.
C. 32P and 35S, for measuring the amount and rate of protein synthesis in the colon.
D. 14C and 3H, for production measurement and easy fatty acid proportions

Yawning in the colon.



  1. What all radioactive elements can be made for nuclear weapons?

    1. Radioactive elements are elements whose nuclei are anstable. The nucleus of the atom will change by emiitting radioactive rays (alpha, Betha, or gamma rays) to achieve stability.
      Ofvcourse not all radioactive elements are used for nuclear weapons. Many types of radioactive elements (radioisotopes) are used in various field, sunch as medicine,industry,agriculture,archeology,hydrology and so on

  2. Balasan
    1. Field of Biology
      A. Changing the nature of genes by providing radiation rays to specific genes.
      B. Determine the speed of compound formation in the process of photosynthesis using radioisotope C-14.
      C. Examining the movement of water inside the plant stems.
      D. Knowing ATP as energy storage in the body using radioisotope 38F.

  3. What the other function of na-12

  4. what a benefit of radio active for our life ?
    is it dangerous for us ?

    1. As tracer and as source of radiation

      Radioactive contamination,radioactive material contamination is an enviromental oollution caused by radioactive dust due to the explosion of atomic reactors andbatomic boms. Radioactivebwhatbisba radioactive substance and material equipment that have beebbexposed to radioactive substances or become radioactive due tobde operation of nuclear installations that can not be used again. The most dangerous of radioactive cobtamination sunc as neluclear is thebradiation ofvalpha. Beta and gammavraysbthat are very harmful to the luving ghings aroundbit. In addition,the resulting neutron particles are also dangerous. Radioactive pollutanbsubstance commonly found are 90sr causes bone cancer and 131j.

  5. A nuclide consists of 6 protons and 8 neutrons. What is the notation or symbol of the nuclide?

  6. what is effect of radioaktif?

    1. Radioactive contamination,radioactive material contamination is an enviromental oollution caused by radioactive dust due to the explosion of atomic reactors andbatomic boms. Radioactivebwhatbisba radioactive substance and material equipment that have beebbexposed to radioactive substances or become radioactive due tobde operation of nuclear installations that can not be used again. The most dangerous of radioactive cobtamination sunc as neluclear is thebradiation ofvalpha. Beta and gammavraysbthat are very harmful to the luving ghings aroundbit. In addition,the resulting neutron particles are also dangerous. Radioactive pollutanbsubstance commonly found are 90sr causes bone cancer and 131j.

  7. Describe the type of radioactive decay?

    1. Alpha Radiation/Decay

      During Alpha decay an atom spits out two protons and two neutrons from its nucleus. This little bundle is called an "alpha particle."

      Alpha decay usually happens in larger, heavier atoms.
      The symbol looks like Helium because Helium-4 has the same number of protons and neutrons as an alpha particle (no electrons, though).
      Since Alpha particles have two protons and no electrons, they have a net charge of 2+.
      During Alpha radiation an atom's proton count drops by two, and we know what that means - a NEW element is formed!
      Alpha radiation can be stopped by PAPER.
      Beta Radiation/Decay

      Remember we said a neutron is a proton with an electron attached? In beta decay a neutron sends its electron packing, literally ejecting it from the nucleus at high speed. The result? That neutron turns into a proton!

      Beta decay increases an atom's electron count by 1 (notice the 1- in the symbol).
      During Beta radiation an atom's proton count grows by one. Once again, NEW element!
      Beta radiation can be stopped by WOOD.
      Gamma Radiation/Decay

      Gamma rays (remember that term from when we studied the EMS?) is electromagnetic radiation similar to light. Gamma decay does not change the mass or charge of the atom from which it originates. Gamma is often emitted along with alpha or beta particle ejecton.

  8. Balasan
    1. Radioactive use
      A. As a Tracer
      1. Field of Medicine
      Used as a tracer to detect various types of diseases, among others:
      A. 24Na, detects circulatory disruption.
      B. 59Fe, measuring the rate of red blood cell formation.
      C. 11C, knowing metabolism in general.
      D. 131I, detects damage to the thyroid gland.
      E. 32P, detecting eye disease, liver, and presence of tumors.

  9. Like where I am making a good lesson plan? Try to explain

    1. By reconciling all the lesson plans so that the learning process is going well and properly


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